Monday, November 23, 2015


the week went by super fast. lots of working walking talking and teaching.
been using the members a lot to help us. found tons of new people gain. we are basically filing through all the new people picking out the ones that are most likely to progress.
we have a family preparing for baptism on the 12th of next month. its a dad and his 2 kids. they all seem kind of shy, but miraculously they came to church yesterday and they participated and everything! i was so happy.
we have some other people preparing for baptism too.. but they didn't come to church yesterday, still working on that.
and yeah, besides how my body is reacting to the ridiculous amount of heat here i am doing good. learning new things everyday. I'm at the point where I'm one of the most experienced elders in the zone. i know the routine, know how it all works, don't have any problems with the language at all so its just work work and work until the end!!
i love you all! hope you have a great week and thanksgiving! cant wait to celebrate it next year!! 

"All Creatures Of Our God And King"
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