Wednesday, July 15, 2015

airport in Houston on his way to Colombia

Bogata MTC

Elder Bigelow and Elder Smith

First P-Day in the field

Big Rock

Jesus Statue

To the trees! with Elder Aguilar

Elder Condoris hump day!

First Ward... he misses them!!

A Christmas present!!

Mini horses in the middle of the city!


Name tag!!

Favorite comp so far, Elder Larrazo

Kissing turtles is legal...

Elder Wadley, Gustavo, Elder Bigelow

Favorite comp and great convert!!

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What I see everyday!!

Service Day Selfie.... that shirt???
2nd Baptism!!

That's a lot of ties back there!!


AUTUMN!!! (I'm starting with her cause shes trunki). 10 dias!!!! como lo aguantas?? jaja me estoy muriendo solo al pensar de que tu estarás en Alaska otra vez. te odio. pero te amo mucho jaja. que disfrutes tus ultimos dias!!

Familia! hows it going? this weeks been good! kind of eventful but at the same time not. making progress with our investigators. and Raul got his priesthood interview! super cool. and one of our investigators told us she spends almost all her days sitting in her living room reading the book of mormon and the bible and the pamphlets. pretty sweet. me and fajardo are gonna start finding again too. hes also doing good.. we get along really well.

Amigos. for those of you serving a mission, you're awesome. those that are not are awesome too... missionaries just need that extra encouragement sometimes. but i love you all and am thankful for the support and whatnot. haha

well guys, its begun. i lack 365 days in the mission. one year from today (Wednesday July 13, 2016) is the day i get home. this year has been absolutely great and WAAAAY too short. i absolutely love Colombia and how crazy she is and am so grateful to have one more year to serve her people.

guys stay strong to your beliefs. I've come to realize the reality of the power satan has. we are weak. but Christ is strong. hold on to Him. Love as He does. serve as He does. teach as He did. and pray as He did. the gospel is true. this life wouldn't make sense if it weren't. we are here for a purpose so remember that at all times and in all things and in all places. I love my Savior and i love every one of you guys too.

"Love Is Spoken Here"
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ps. being that i have one year left, i thought i might send some pics from my fist year that y'all ain't seen yet :) ¡disfruten!
Hair Cut

P-Day Selfie

Kade wants one of these hats!!

Raul's Baptism!!

Elder Bigelow, Raul and Elder Fajardo


super fast week guys. but it was awesome! we didn't focus AS much on finding new people but we worked with the ones we have. working with Raul this week was great too. we helped him strengthen his testimony everyday until his baptism on Saturday!!! it went awesome! elder fajardo got to baptize him because it was his first baptism in the mission. and our ward mission leader asked me to sing.. sadly there's no video. but i sang the mindy gledhill version of Love One Another in ingles y español. it went good. id say. haha but the whole program was awesome. it was probably the most organized church thing i have seen since i came to Colombia. i love this ward. and it was awesome at the end when Raul bore his testimony and his wife (who is a convert too) bore hers as well. if all goes well, they will be sealed in the temple about a week before i get home next July!! :)

speaking of getting home... AUTUMN!!! SANTA VACA!!! dos semanas!! que REY trunki jajaja. no pero en serio!! como te sientes? me sentiría como si no fuera real si estuviera en los zapatos tuyos. peros que sigas adelante! oíste?? tu puedes! yo tengo fe! y yo te amo! :)

well chilens, remember that theres absolutely no reason to ever be really sad. even when times are hard or bad things happen, because thanks to the atonement of Jesus Christ, it'll ALL be okay one day. that's a promise we have. JUST KEEP ENDURING TO THE END! i love you all! have an AWESOME week!

"If The Savior Stood Beside Me"
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I think that lady thinks he is going to steal her puppy :)



Good morning! its been a really short week! and it was FULL of work! every member of the ward gave us a reference! LITERALLY! our ward mission leader had EVERYONE fill out a sheet for a reference. it was awesome. so we did a lot of contacting and finding new people. and some people even found us! it was super cool. we were walking to an appointment and this lady stopped us and asked if we were Mormon's and then said her sister wanted to talk to us. so she gave us her direction and we said we would stop by the next day. and then the next day we got completely lost and couldn't find her house. so we started to head to another appointment when ANOTHER lady stopped us. IT WAS THE SISTER! so we invited then to church and the came. and then after church we went to their house and taught them the Restoration.

God really has prepared people for us.

overall it was a good week. we ALREADY are gonna have a baptism this Saturday the 4th! Raul Agudelo will now be a member like the rest of his family and they can start preparing for the temple!!! super exciting huh?

well i know God loves each and every one of us. and He knows us personally. I'm sure He even remembers that today's my birthday! haha  but seriously. keep the faith! love your neighbor. be kind!
you'll never regret being a little kinder!!
"Rock of Ages"
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