Monday, May 11, 2015


my mind is BLOWN by the thought that this week is the last week of the transfer!!! holy cow! i feel like i JUST barely went to Medellin to go get Wadley! CRAZY!
cant wait to find out what happens next week. well, yesterday was awesome it was so nice talking to you guys again! the next 7 months are gonna fly again, i just know it.. but i really don't want them too haha. comin up on my 10 month mark now. whaaaa? sweet huh?

well, as i told y'all yesterday, the baptism didn't happen :( i hate when these things fall through like that. but we are gonna fast this week for it we have decided! keep praying for her. she has her testimony and everything, honestly its just a fear of commitment i think. we have also been trying really hard to find some new people to teach this week. we are RUNNING up to them like a brave little mexican we all know ;) but we are doing all we can to talk to everyone and its working. I'm loving it!

mexicana! era tan chevere para hablar con tigo ayer en español. no te la pierdas! por favor jaja. quiero estar hablando así para siempre. me encanta poder hablar con tigo cuando no nos entienden jaja. te quiero! te cuidas! 

miss you guys a ton. i bet God misses us in the same way. He wants us back guys. and i wanna get back there to Him to. remember your desires to be eternal families in EVERYTHING that you do. that's the goal. i love you all!

Elder Bigelow
"Families Can Be Together Forever"

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