Wednesday, August 26, 2015


pretty good week. spent the first part finally getting over whatever sickness i had. we found out the we can ask the mission to let us borrow the Meet The Mormons movie. so we have planned a ward activity to show it to the members here and have them invite their friends. should be exciting.
Luz Adriana cant get work off this Saturday so she will be baptized the next Saturday the 5th of September.
we have been working a lot to find new people to teach. its different here tho. in Pereira the people aren't afraid to say no. we get quite a bit of doors in our face here. we have had a little bit of luck though.
winter is coming down hard here, i love it. its absolutely NOTHING like Alaska (obviously) but it gets down to the 50s sometimes and rains REALLY hard. last night we walked home up to our ankles in water. we did quite a bit of splashing. i felt like a child but it was awesome. haha
glad this are going so well at home and you're having tons of fun! jealous y'all get to see the grannys. its been a while since I've seen em.
thanks for all your prayers remember that it makes God happy to hear from you. i love you all!

"I Lived In Heaven"
Image result for alaskan flagImage result for wooden colombian flag

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