A much better week even though we could only work Tuesday to Friday. conference
was amazing though.. well what we could watch of it. Saturday during the day we
weren't allowed out of the house because there was a drug lord killed Friday
night and a bunch of violent riots apparently broke out.. they say it was really
bad in the coast... but yeah, that's Colombia.
but like i said what we saw of conf was super good. lots of inspirational
and question answering talks. a few less active people came. there's a lot of
reactivation work that needs one here. most of the week we were contacting a
list of people from the branch directory that the branch pres doesn't know. we
were able to find some cool people. some investigators too.
i had an English class on Friday, and it went pretty good. not too many
people showed up though. hopefully this week is better.
i hope we could all learn from conference the things that were especially
meant for us. i received some answers to post mission life questions i had. i
kn ow the talks are inspired and that those men are called of God. i believe
God is real and He loves us.
my letters not too long.. but i got a good amount of pictures. you're
welcome haha
i love you guys!
"Be Thou Humble"