Buenas noches mis amigos! este semana fue maravillosa!
alright! so this week was really fun! i did exchanges twice! the first time was with Elder Gordiano from Utah. and there was a tropical storm that day for hours so there wasn't really time to do anything... it rained and hailed and the wind sucked and the lightning was everywhere.... but we had fun and tried contacting when things calmed down.
but then, Friday, i did exchanges with one of the zone leaders ]Elder Roberts from Missouri. Elder Roberts is an awesome missionary. i learned a ton from him. he really tries his hardest to do ONLY what the spirit tells him to do. we kept all things we did in accordance with all the rules and promptings of the spirit. we planed to set a baptismal date for hernan and lina... but we both felt during the lesson that that was not the time.. we didn't even have to say anything to each other... we just knew.. and our lesson with them was amazing. me and cordova are going to set their date this week i hope. they came to church again just like they always do, even tho lina was sick.. so we gave her a blessing :) i love them. they are such good people. they wanna know the truth. honestly i think hernen was looking for some kind of vision or miracle to know that the church is true. so i explained to him something i had never really even thought of for myself before.. the words just flowed out of my mouth.. i said, " hernan, joseph smith had the first vision to restore the gospel of Jesus Christ. if that gospel wasn't on the earth right now, and you really wanted to find it, that's when you would see God too. i know the gospel is true through feeling given o me by my Heavenly Father. it was like ´here elder bigelow, the gospel has been restored´ . and with my faith, i didn't need more. i know this gospel is true. i know this book is the word of God. i know joseph was His prophet. and i know that only though prayer can you know the same." that got to him, and me too. i LOVE spiritual experiences. always live in a way where the spirit never leaves you. okay?
today was great too! we went to a forest up in the mountains that looked like Alaska but it was crazy hot haha. we all played capture the flag and did some hiking. so i am pretty tired..
i am glad you are all doing so well and i am jealous of the cold weather. cannot believe its already November.. and that i left in july. i am super happy t be here. i love what i am learning. i love these people. i love Spanish. i love my scriptures. i love the gospel. i love my savior. and i love his plan. ALWAYS SHARE WHAT YOU KNOW. its the truest thing on this earth.... and besides, the faster we share the sooner Jesus will come back :)
2Nefi 1:13... guys, time to wake up from that dream and hasten the work. EVERY MEMBER IS A MISSIONARY.
con todo mi amor
Elder Bigelow